Sunday 20 April 2014

Bara-Hack, Pomfret

Bara-Hack Pomfret, weird name with it weird stories. This place was long called “Quiet Corner”. Bara-Hack was first settled by Welsh family in 1780. A place which has been abandoned for years starting from the early 1900’s. 

On 30th August 1971, a group of three parapsychology students visited Bara-Hack looking for the evidence of the haunting stories whether it is true. 

For the first time step in this area they feels the depression, followed by dogs’ barking, cows’ lowing, strange human voices, but totally absence of birds. They stay for few hours and stop when then they came back at night and experienced of heard eerie voices.

On 30th October, they then came again with more of them. However, they lost their way to the area that they had been before. One of their new members was then frozen and could not move. This mysterious incident was suspected cause by witches that were put to death in Connecticut. One more unsolved story is a stone craft of a human face. No one knows.

Sterling Opera House, Derby

Sterling Opera House is the first entertainment venue built in the Lower Naugatuck Valley. Its own history of an entertainment theater famed for that period of time. 

The stories back then which were believed the spirit of those people who are still seeking for that fame moments. Sterling Opera House opened on 2nd April 1889. It once became a place for big stars those times such as Lionel Barrymore, the legendary actor. 

The hall auditorium with 1200 seats is well built that even a whisper on stage could be heard by everyone in the hall and even the back stage rooms.

Some people believe that this Opera House is being haunted by Charles Sterling who was died before the opera house completely builds up and also the man who his name is structured. Apart from Charles Sterling spirit, they also believe a spirit of a boy name Andy is there as they found child finger print most of the various place in the Opera House. 

Rich DiCarlo the chairman of the Derby Cultural Commission said that most of the haunted experiences are involved of that young boy spirit. There are also toys and balls for “Andy” to “play” with, plus experience of seeing balls move around on their own.

Little People’s Village, Middlebury

Little People’s Village, Middlebury is one of the strange creepy places in Connecticut.  Doll size houses with few stories behind it. 

One of the story lies was a wife with his husband were living in the Middlebury when the wife started to see fairy small creatures and she then asked her husband to build a village for them in the middle wood of Middlebury. Then the village grew till the madness lies and faded with them after years. 

Another story is a man was living alone in the Middlebury when then he heard voices of little people asked him to build the village. He then goes mad because of the voices in his head which slowly killed him. 

Peoples who visited this area claimed that it is haunted by the little people and others claim that if you stay long in this area, you might hear the voices and then sink to insanity. One more of the object left is a carved sit which known with it story, whoever sit in this cursed will die within 7 days.

Remington Arms, Bridgeport

Remington Arms, Bridgeport was an abandoned firearms factory, once the largest supplier of munitions in the world. Produced tons of weapons each year and employed over 17,000 workers at the same time. 

However, in 1942 during the pick war a major accident happened, a big explosion occurred on the production floor that killed seven workers and wounded other eighty. This accident is believed as the set off of the mysterious figures seen by the local people over years.

They claimed that they saw shadowy figures moving around in that abandoned factory and heard creepy voices with screams of lost soul spirit. Remington Arms factory has being famous through it stories and became a favorite place for ghost hunters to carry on paranormal activities. 

Those who experienced to get inside that building also claim to feel unusual feelings and sighting supernatural figures. They assumed this place had been cursed.

Norwich State Hospital, Preston

Norwich State, Preston is a mental hospital originally builds on 1904. Experiencing it horrific terrible moments of different background and stories of patients. This hospital is claimed haunted of tortured soul, patients that were sent to be treat for wellness but end up died. 

This hospital’s original building was built on 1904 on a ground of 100 acres with two buildings for patients and a cottage for doctors.  Years after years this hospital getting well expanded until 470 acres and for over 30 buildings were built. However there are stories of mysterious accident happened throughout years regarding this hospital. 

On 1914, a patient hangs himself. 1919, a tragedy of hot water heater explosion killed two workers, another one killed when crossing the road, a nurse committed suicide at her own house, followed by numerous parents who get killed while having treatment. 

Few investigations reported the hilarious staff action towards patients including beatings, starving, sexual abuse, and the environment prison room-like. After years, Norwich State Hospital was officially closed on 1996. Thereafter, rumours tell the stories of dark shadows, figures, mist, lost souls of the dead patients that was claimed to be seen and the eerie sound of voices in this place. 

As for this time, visitors are forbidden and this area has been secure and guarded by few guards. People can only see these horror creepy buildings from the main road and the stories? Maybe the guards have experienced it.